
Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus / Asian Palm Civet

LuwaK sleeping on a tree

LuwaKs roam freely within a large, fenced-in open area


Luwaks are omnivorous mammals with a diverse diet. They enjoya variety of foods including fruits, insects, small animals, nectar,flowers, and other plant matter. They have a particular fondnessfor ripe coffee cherries, and their selective eating habitscontribute to the unique production process of luwak coffee.Additionally, luwaks enjoy a range of fruits like papaya, mango,and figs. Their opportunistic nature and skilled climbing abilitiesallow them to catch insects, small mammals, reptiles, and birds.Luwaks have even been observed feeding on nectar from flowers,aiding in pollination. This adaptable nature allows them to adjusttheir diet based on what’s available in their environment.


These versatile creatures can thrive in a range of environments,from tropical rainforests to agricultural areas and plantations.While they prefer forested areas with dense vegetation, luwakshave demonstrated their ability to adapt to different landscapes.This showcases their resilience and ability to find suitable habitatswithin their geographical range. Interestingly, luwaks are territorialanimals that mark their coffee trees with scent markings toestablish ownership and ensure other luwaks don’t consume fromtheir designated trees. This behavior helps them secure a foodsource and maintain their territory.

bed Time

Luwaks are primarily nocturnal creatures, meaning they are mostactive during the night. They prefer to sleep during the day.Interestingly, when luwaks sleep, they curl up in a circular form.This position helps them conserve body heat, keeping them warmas they rest.

Luwak Garden

Our luwaks roam freely within a large, fenced area. This allows them to forage, play, and thrive in a protected environment that fosters their well-being and lets them live in harmony with their surroundings. This feral fence approach is a sustainable and responsible practice. It enables us to ethically produce highquality luwak coffee while prioritizing the welfare of the luwaks and preserving the integrity of the ecosystem.

Luwak Harvest

During the coffee fruit season, our team collects luwak droppings every morning. These droppings contain undigested coffee beans that are organically grown without any chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or

herbicides on our farm. These beans are transformed into our exceptional luwak coffee through a unique fermentation process that occurs within the luwak’s digestive system.

Observation or Quarantine Cage

Luwaks are free to roam designated areas on our farm, enjoyingtheir natural habitat. Occasionally, we humanely capture them and place them incomfortable observation cages for a short quarantine period.An observation cage is a purpose-built enclosure designed tosafely house and monitor luwaks for a specific timeframe.These cages are constructed with durable materials, providinga secure and controlled environment. Observation cages allowveterinarians, researchers, or caretakers to closely observeand assess the health, behavior, and overall well-being of theluwaks. Quarantine cages, on the other hand, are vital for isolating andmonitoring luwaks that may carry diseases or requiretemporary separation to prevent the spread of illness. Byutilizing observation or quarantine cages, professionals canensure proper care, treatment, and management of luwaks,while minimizing risks to both the animals and the surroundingenvironment.

We monitor our luwaKs' health closely and provide them with veterinary care when needed

We periodically use enticing bait to attract them into smaller cages. This gentle approach allows for safe and humane transport to comfortable quarantine cages where our veterinarians conduct thorough health checks. Once complete, the Luwaks are promptly released back into their natural habitat.
